In today’s complex society, it takes effort to ensure that your hard-earned money, once invested and out in the financial ether, doesn’t fund the kinds of things that Catholics abhor — like abortion, pornography, or unethical labor practices. 

But surely the Church itself, with its significant invested assets, has this figured out already… right? 

Though the principles behind Catholic investing have been clearly articulated in recent years, sources told CNA that many Catholic entities still have a long way to go to make sure their investments actually align with those principles. 

Case in point: when Daniel Catone, founder of Arimathea Investing, and his team of financial experts started digging into the finances of Catholic entities who approached them, they discovered something extraordinary — and surprisingly pervasive. 

Nearly all of their Catholic clients, including many U.S. dioceses, were unwittingly funding — sometimes to the tune of millions of dollars — products and practices that directly contradict the faith.

“We have to look at the reality of the choices that we’re making with our dollars, [because] just as Our Lord will call us to account for every careless word that comes from our mouths, so too will the Lord call us to account for every careless dollar that left our wallets,” Catone told CNA. 

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